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Voodoo Juice Advanced Nutrients

Voodoo Juice of Advanced Nutrients, is a stimulator of the roots, which contains multiple beneficial elements for radical development. & Nbsp; Voodoo Juice is used during the phases of growth, flowering, transplantation and cloning.

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Voodoo Juice of Advanced Nutrients is a radical stimulator, which contains multiple beneficial elements for radical development. Voodoo Juice assures, a vigorous growth of the whole radical apparatus, in order to encourage faster growth, giving the healthier plants and a better final yield. Voodoo Juice works during the phases of growth, flowering, transplantation and cloning.

Root Booster Vodoo Juice Radici stimulator

Voodoo Juice is a root Booster stimulator of roots , it contains eight different types of beneficial bacteria, one of these is the Paenibacillus azotofixans which helps the nitrogen transmission, which colonizza rizosphere and substrate. Voodoo Juice of Advanced Nutrients is highly concentrated, keeping the microbes dormant until adding them to the nutritional solution, from that moment they will activate, toning the whole radical apparatus and gives rise to some substances that increase the production of flowers. >

Voodoo Juice creates symbiotic relationships , between mushrooms and beneficial bacteria , which take care of the entire radical apparatus of the plant. Voodoo Juice Root Booster Radici stimulator, will favor greater ventilation and oxygenation of the urgent, thanks to the beneficial microbes. Every 1/4 liter contains 200 million bacteria, in the tests carried out it turned out that the plants treated with Voodo Juice had developed the 90% more roots.

We highly recommend using Voodoo Juice with Piranha by Advanced Nutrients which contains beneficial mushrooms.

benefits and dosages of Voodoo Juice
  • Maximizes the radical mass of 90% more
  • Optimizes oxygenation and assimilation of fertilizers
  • Fast and vigorous growth
  • Abundant
  • Lush flowering
  • Dosage: 2 ml per liter of water from the 1st to the 2nd week of flowering and vegetative. & Nbsp;

species of bacteria that make up the Voodoo Juice
  • Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
  • Bacillus Laevolacticus
  • Bacillus Licheniformis
  • Bacillus megaterium
  • Bacillus pasteurii
  • Bacillus Pumilus
  • Bacillus subtilis
  • Paenibacillus azototofixans (n-nazoto fixer)
  • Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride)

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