Clip fan
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The 15 cm diameter clip fan can be applied for multiple uses given its versatility and connection. Used in small spaces such as cars or bathrooms, it is often used in medium-sized grow boxes up to 1.2 m2.
Features of the clip fan
The grow box fan has multiple features and advantages, such as two speeds with adjustable vertical angle, being silent and being equipped with a safety grille.
The use of air fans is of great importance for the development of plants and crops: in addition to moving air inside the grow box, thanks to the use of these devices, the formation of fungi and molds is prevented and the stagnation of the air in the environment of the same grow room.
In addition, the fan with clip allows you to recreate the wind present in nature aimed at strengthening and strengthening the bust of crops.
The importance of clip ventilation in grow boxes
The grow box fan (there are also many other types of fans on the market, such as rotary, pedestal and oscillating wall fans) makes us understand the importance of ventilation for our plants. Ventilation and air recirculation are two fundamental pillars for growing crops in a healthy and strong way.
In fact, through an accurate circulation of the air, it is avoided that humidity can accumulate and that the temperature can rise. Hence, when it comes to fans, we cannot fail to mention other useful tools, such as the extractor and activated carbon filters.
The extractor is in fact used to suck in hot air by recirculating fresh air and to ensure that the temperature does not overheat, consequently favoring the risk of burns for the plants themselves, especially if lamps are used for their grow boxes. Activated carbon filters, on the other hand, are used to eliminate the bad smells that come out of the aspirators.
The accuracy of these decisions will lead to a robust development of the plants, which will consequently produce an excellent and abundant harvest.