Portable Vaporizers
The Smono 5 vaporizer produced by the Reinhart company is a new portable tool with a futuristic design and many quality features. The smono 5 is a convection vaporizer.
Anlerr G vape vaporizer is the smallest and most compact portable vaporizer on the market. The countless features make this vaporizer very interesting for its quality at an advantageous price.
In this category you can choose the best portable vaporizers on the market, at the best price. The use of these portable devices is on the increase among weed consumers, as the intake through vaporization is much healthier than the traditional methods of intake.
The portable vaporizer is convenient to use and carry due to its small size. The battery life ensures a good number of sessions, without having to recharge the device or replace the battery.
You will find pocket vaporizers in all price ranges, from the cheapest to top-of-the-range models. Choose between convection or induction vaporizers to enjoy a high-end vape, and there are specific vaporizer models for extracts and concentrates.
Choose the best portable herb vaporizer among the many models offered by GSI.