
Growing soil for indoor and outdoor growing


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-5% Biobizz light mix 20 L
Earth Biobizz Light Mix is ​​an ideal biological substrate to guarantee your plants a vigorous and rapid growth. Slightly fertilized, thanks to its biological ingredients it is the ideal soil for your indoor and outdoor crops.
Special Price €6.69 Regular Price €7.00
Atami Janeco light mix 50 L

High quality ready -made land with excellent retention inside the pot; type "light mix" specially not rich in nourishments: the farmer will be able to decide when and how much to fertilize.

Final Price €12.90
Biobizz light mix 50 L

Il terriccio BioBizz - Light Mix 50L è molto usato sia nella coltivazioni indoor che outdoor e contiene torbe di alta qualità e perlite; è, quindi, molto leggero e adatto a piante a crescita rapida.

Final Price €13.50
Plagron Light Mix 25L soil
Plagron Light mix 25l land, substrate composed of the mixture of the best types of peat, carefully chosen. The addition of natural fertilizer, fiber and small quantities of fertilizer makes it an ideal soil to grow in a simple and excessive consumption.
Final Price €9.80
Plagron Light Mix 50l soil

Plagron Light Mix 50l, substrate composed of the mixture of the best types of peat, carefully chosen. The addition of natural fertilizer, fiber and small quantities of fertilizer makes it an ideal soil to grow in a simple and excessive consumption.

Final Price €15.99
biobizz all mix 20l
Biobizz Earth all 20 liter mix, it is an excellent substrate and is well known and appreciated in indoor and outdoor cultivation as pre fertile. Mix usually used as a land for transplants of adult plant species, ensures healthy flowering without the use of liquid fertilizers.
Final Price €9.00
Biobizz ALL mix 50 L

Biobizz Earth All Mix is ​​an excellent substrate and is highly appreciated in indoor cultivation because it is pre-supplied for the growth-vegetative phase.

Final Price €19.00

Earth Canna Professional is composed of high quality selected soils and peat, special for structure and purity.

Final Price €10.00

Earth Canna Professional is composed of high quality selected soils and peat, special for structure and purity.

Final Price €16.00
Plagron Royalmix 25
Plagron Royalmix from 25L is a suitable substrate to grow all plants. Mixed with the best peat is excellent for the plant development phase.
Final Price €11.00
Plagron Royalmix
The 50l Plagron Royalmix soil is the perfect substrate to cultivate any plant species. Composed of the best peat is excellent for all phases of development of the plant. Plagron has always been a guarantee in the production of substrates.
Final Price €18.60
Plagron Coco’s premium 50 L
Coco’s Premium of the Plagron in the 50 l pack is a substrate for cultivation. Its formulation represents an excellent compromise between the classic organic soil and the inert substrates.
Final Price €16.50
terriccio mills light mix 50l
Mills Light Mix soil is a perfect substrate for the balance between nutrients and pH stability. It will not require fertilization for the first 2-3 weeks and it is possible to mix it with other lands.
Final Price €11.70
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Terra Atami janeco light mix 20 L
High quality ready -made land; Excellent retention inside the pot. "Light Mix" type specifically is not rich in nourishments: the farmer will be able to decide when and how much to fertilize.
Final Price €7.20
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Dischetto torba Jiffy 3cm

jify supporting peat diskettes support for germination. Composed of pure Norwegian peat, freeze -dried and pressed, they allow you to avoid transplant shock.

Final Price €0.20
Jify 4,4cm disk

Deschetto Jiffy Torba and Coconut. Ideal for sowing the transplant.

Final Price €0.25
Root Riot Cubetti radicamento cloni 24pz -1

root riot cubetti for Radication Clones of Growth Technology. Composition of organic and biodegradable material maintains the right balance between humidity, oxygen and nutritional solution. Pack of 24pz

Final Price €11.50
Grodan 4x4 - Cubi di Lana di roccia

Grodan è il più utilizzato substrato di coltivazione idroponica; è di un materiale inerte di natura minerale derivante dalla fusione di alcune rocce.

Final Price €0.25
Grodan 7.5x7.5 - Cubes rock wool

Grodan is the most used substrate of hydroponic cultivation in the world.

Final Price €0.38
-8% Dischetto torba Jiffy 3cm 2000pz

The jify 3cm peat diskette is ideal for safely and successfully and successfully and successfully germinating seeds.

Special Price €193.00 Regular Price €209.00
Dischetto torba Jiffy 4cm 1000 pz

Deschetto Jiffy Torba and Coconut. Ideal for sowing.

Final Price €148.00
bio nova Coco Brik 6 pezzi

The coconut fiber for Coco Brik plants of Bionova in 6 -piece package is a natural substrate, obtained from the processing of coconut.

Final Price €13.00
Perlite for plants

Perlite is a porous rock used in all evolutionary mixtures to ensure greater ventilation and roots. This incredible soil substance guarantees greater oxygenation and drainage to the substrate, and represents a truly optimal product for a greater surrender of your crops.

As low as €4.90
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Expanded clay 10L

expanded clay for hydroculture plants and to make the draining background to the vessels. It is an ecological, natural product, aimed at promoting the development and growth of the roots.

As low as €9.00
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To choose a good cannabis growing soil is crucial for the growth of your plants. in fact, the earth in both indoor and outdoor cannabis cultivation has a fundamental importance. Its wholesomeness, both organic and inert, is one of the main factors for the success of a growing.

In fact, cannabis plants, to survive at their best, need most of the nutrients contained in the soil except for hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. 

If you are thinking of starting a DIY hemp growing, both indoors and outdoors, you will have to pay close attention to choose the right substrate, which must contain the right mix of nutrients based on the type of cultivation you have chosen. 

Poor quality soil, in fact, can lead to slowdowns in plant growth, with the result that crops will be reduced and plants will risk dying.

Choose the best soil for autoflowers , different brands at unbeatable prices such as biobizz soil for autoflowers. Here you can find the best ready-made soil for autoflowers , such as indoor and outdoor autoflowering soil.

By purchasing a light mix and combining it with amendments such as super soil, you can make DIY autoflowering soil.

How to choose the best growing soil for weed

The best growing soil for weed needs some specific characteristics in order for it to positively influence the development of the cultivated hemp plants :

  • A pH that must vary between a minimum of 5.5 and a maximum of 6.5, therefore always slightly acidic, otherwise the roots will not be able to absorb water and nourishment in the best possible way;
  • An EC (electrical conductivity index) which must be neither too low (otherwise it causes greater water absorption) nor too high (otherwise a nutrient blockage is generated);
  • A temperature that must oscillate between 18° and 24°C. In fact, over 39°C the roots dehydrate to the point of burning;
  • A good composition of nutrients (mainly nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and iron) which must vary according to the different needs and stages of growth of the plant;
  • An adequate amount of air and water.

All these parameters are of fundamental importance and must be constantly checked if you want to grow with a good fertilized cannabis soil .

Furthermore, a good soil for growing cannabis both indoors and outdoors must guarantee perfect anchoring of the root system as well as maintaining good drainage capacity. 

Last but not least, the land for outdoor cultivation must be free of phytotoxic substances, parasites and pathogens.

Best grow soil preparation for indoor hemp seeding

There are pre-packaged fertilized of the best grow soils on the market today, which already contain all the necessary nutrients in the right proportions.

However, some prefer to prepare their own substrate for autoflowering and non-autoflowering cannabis . If you intend to try it too, here are all the steps you need to take to make good soil for your seedlings:

  • Purchase peat moss, a pH-neutral organic potting soil that is free of fertilizers;
  • Add at least 30% coconut fiber to your mixture, whether it is compressed or ready to use, to guarantee excellent aeration of the soil;
  • Add organic fertilizer, if possible natural such as cow and horse manure, vermicompost (rich in nitrogen) or bat guano (rich in phosphorus), or artificial fertilizer in powder or pellets.

There are mainly four types of natural soil: sandy, muddy, silty and clayey. Each of these has pros and cons and the choice must be made based on the type of cultivation you want to obtain.

Buy the cannabis grow soil on Grow Shop Italia

To make the cannabis grow soil you will need the best products out there to create the perfect growing medium for growing your hemp plants. In this section you will find: 

  • 100% organic soils;
  • peat discs;
  • root riot;
  • coconut fiber;
  • perlite;
  • expanded clay;
  • grains of water;
  • rock wool cubes;
  • agri-perlite;
  • lapillus;
  • volcanic pumice.

Grow Shop Italy offers you in its catalog only the best brands of substrates for cannabis and nursery plants such as:
Janeco, BIoCanna Professional, Gaia, Terflor and Biobizz .

Buy on our shop everything you need to make the best light grow soil for growing cannabis at super affordable prices.