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Micosat F WP Lent Fertilizer with Micorriza 100g

Micosat F Len WP 100 GR is a wetup fertilizer wetable with mycorrize capable of inducing and increasing The resistance of plants towards pathogens, insects, bacteriosis, terriculi and nematodes mushrooms through the increase in mycorrhural colonization, for a healthier and more lush growth.
Scegli Formato 100g

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Micosat is a fertilizer whose field of action is the increase in the resistance of the plants against nematodes through an increase in mycorrhizing colonization.

Specifically, this fertilizer dust is nothing more than a set of shrub Micorriza (biiogenosis), or a composed of beneficial bacteria of the rhizosphere and saprophytes mushrooms in a relationship symbiotic type with the roots of the crops.

The Mycorriza therefore represent a type of symbiotic association between two different species, a mushroom and a plant, identified in the sector of the radical system of the vegetable symbiocity. & Nbsp;

The mycorrozic symbiosis , which is established, is a mutualistic symbiosis in which both symbi -free organisms carry on their life cycle by living in close contact with each other e obtaining mutual advantages , both under the nutritional point of view and of another nature:

  • bacteria improve the conditions of fertility of the soil;
  • Mushrooms degrade with their enzymes and non -living substances animals or vegetable in simple mineral compounds comparable from the plant.

Overall, bacteria and mushrooms have a remarkable weight in the increase and enhancement of the natural defenses of a cultivation .

Composition & NBSP;

100 gr of fertilizer , in the formulation of wet powder, contain:

  • 10% of mycorrhized and shredded roots of guest plants with spores and mycelium of shrubblicular endomicorrhizic mushrooms of the genus glomus (raw inoculum);
  • 3/4 of biological component consisting of saprofiti mushrooms (Beauveria SPP, Pochonia Chlamydosporia) and bacteria of the rhizosphere (Streptomyces SPP);
  • Inerti supports to taste at 100.

advantages and characteristics of Micosat F WP Len

Overall, the saprophytes bacteria and mushrooms contained within Micosat F WP Lent Fertilizer with Micorriza 100g, play a fundamental role in improving the assimilative supply chain of plants. Furthermore, among the main actions carried out by this fertilizer there are:

  • Inspetement of the cell wall of the cortical layer of the root and the cuticular waxes;
  • Development of the radical apparatus of a plant;
  • Enhancement of the endogenous immune system of plants;
  • Increment in the production of phenols and protein groups (i.e. protease, amylase and peptics);
  • Increase in productivity even in the presence of thermal, water or nutritional stress.

Method of action

after the distribution of Micosat Len Wp , the mushrooms and spores of the raw inoculum are linked to the radical apices of the upper plants by means of their mycili and through a sort of sleeve said precisely "mycorriza" ( from the Greek Mycos = mushroom and rhiza = root).

When the components activate the germination and the colonization of rhizosphere and phillosphere begins. The combined action of saprophytes and bacteria mushrooms contained in the fertilizer:

  • makes the rhizosphere (i.e. the area occupied by land and root) and the phylloxera (i.e. micro -trained of the leaves) inhospitable for the occupation of pathogens;
  • stimulates the development of the plant thanks to a high emission of growth factors absorbable from the roots;
  • increases the ability to absorb nutrients present in the soil by the plant itself.
  • warnings and compatibility
    • It is preferable to use Micosat alone, even if the fertilizer is adaptable with many other fertilizing, herbicides, insecticides and fungicides products;
    • It is recommended to use the fertilizer at a distance of 15 days from treatments to copper -based crops;
    • The fertilizer does not contain GMOs nor pathogenic organisms of any kind such as Salmonella, Fecal coliforms, aerobic mesophytes and nematod eggs;
    • Micosat does not release residues on crops;
    • No precaution is required for the use of this product.

    dosage of the fertilizer Micosat F

    The Fertilizer Micosat must be dissolved in water and then distributed in the following ways:

    • With perforated sleeves;
    • With bar atomizers;
    • with injector pole;
    • For leaf sprinkling;
    • in fertirrigation.

    Micosat is suitable for meadows and gardens , but also for other types of crops. For all types of cultivation, it is advisable to start applications in advance, since from the growth phase , and continue to to the flowering phase , with an interval between the treatments of 2- 3 weeks.

    What will change will be the quantity to use, to vary according to your needs. In any case, for the applications of Micosat F the recommended doses are 1 tablespoon (about 10 gr.) For every 10l of water.

    For insights on the choice of fertilizer suitable for the type of cultivation read the Guide on manuals and resources . & Nbsp;

    More Information

    Brand and ModelMICOSAT
    Scegli Formato100g
    Shipments all over EuropeYes


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