world of cannabis seeds

  1. Growing Autoflowering Marijuana Outdoors and Indoors
    world of cannabis seeds

    Growing Autoflowering Marijuana Outdoors and Indoors

    Guida utile alle conoscenze giuste per coltvare marijuana autofiorente. Coltivare cannabis autofiorente è molto semplice, basta conoscere bene la genetica e seguire tutte le piccole indicazioni che trovera in questo articolo.
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  2. The best cannabis strains ever
    world of cannabis seeds

    The best cannabis strains ever

    Have you ever wondered what the best feminized cannabis strains are? Answering this question is certainly not easy. Nowadays there are thousands of species of this plant. More powerful genetics, others with mild effects, particularly aromatic and terpene-rich varieties, and so on.  They are varieties that come from all over the world. Some have become true legends, conquering growers with their incredible powerful and unparalleled taste. Others have been used by breeders around the world to create equally popular modern hybrids. From the great classics to the most recent genetics, the Grow Shop Italia crew has decided to draw up a list of the marijuana plants most loved for quality
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  3. Differences between indica and sativa
    world of cannabis seeds

    Differences between indica and sativa

    Do you know all the growing characteristics, the origins of the best marijuana varieties and, above all, the difference between Indica and Sativa Cannabis? When choosing a cannabis genetic to grow it is good to know that there are many variables and many differences between one plant and another. Not only structural and morphological, but also with regards to maturation times and therapeutic effects. This practical guide is designed to help you understand the meaning, effects and different morphology that determine the obvious diversity between the two species. In this article, therefore, we will delve into the substantial differences between indica and sativa in order to better guide you in your choice.
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  4. Autoflowering F1 hybrid seeds from royal queen seeds
    world of cannabis seeds

    Autoflowering F1 hybrid seeds from royal queen seeds

    The great news of autoflowering F1 hybrid seeds is radically changing the way of growing . Cannabis is a wonderful plant, but until now, growing it has been a bit like playing Russian roulette. Genetically identical strains produced plants with different life cycles and characteristics, from aromas to potency levels, making cultivation unpredictable and inconsistent. But with the advent of Royal Queen Seeds' F1 hybrid seeds in 2023, all this is set to change. After years of development, in fact, the seed bank is launching carefully selected seeds from pure, exclusive and quality genetics onto the market. For the first time in the history of this business, growers around the world will
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  5. Cannabis seeds : differences between female, regular and autoflower starins
    world of cannabis seeds

    Cannabis seeds : differences between female, regular and autoflower starins

    If you've come this far you've probably wondered what feminized seeds are . When deciding to purchase collectible cannabis seeds , there are many different expressions and terminologies you may come across. Among these, you can find terms such as " feminized cannabis seeds ", " regular seeds " or " Autoflowering ", which indicate the sex and type of plant that will be generated from the seeds if you want to plant them. This only creates confusion, especially
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