After the advent of law 242/2016 which regulated in a certain sense the marketing and consequently the cultivation of legal hemp, the interest of agricultural operators in recovering an ancient cultivation tradition involving hemp plants is increasingly widespread.

There are rules to follow in order to grow hemp plants in order to be aligned with the legislation in force. In this in-depth analysis we want to describe what these rules are, and what to do to grow hemp plants legally, what are the most popular plant varieties for cultivation today and how to best grow strong and vigorous plants.

Hemp plants with legal thc level

In Europe, each state has its own regulatory framework regarding the regulation of the production and sale of hemp and products derived from it. Law 242/2016 in Italy regulates this aspect, and was subsequently integrated by the Circular on cultivation methods and floriculture rules drawn up by the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies, concerning the cultivation and sale of inflorescences. Since then the sale of inflorescences with low THC content has been absolutely legal and therefore also the cultivation of plants with the same characteristics.

The Circular reads:

“With specific regard to hemp inflorescences, it is specified that these, although not expressly mentioned by law no. 242 of 2016 neither among the purposes of the crop nor among its possible uses, fall within the scope of crops intended for floriculture, provided that such products derive from one of the permitted varieties, registered in the Common Catalog of varieties of agricultural plant species, whose the overall THC content of the cultivation does not exceed the levels established by law, and provided that the product does not contain substances declared harmful to health by the competent institutions".

The legislation has established that the varieties considered certified are 68 well-defined varieties. The varieties of certified Italian hemp plants are indicated in bold.

1) Antal
2) Carmagnola
3) Dioica
) Eletta bell
5) Finola
6) Futura 75
7) KC Virtus
8) Kompolti hibrid TC
9) Kompolti
10) Silvana
11) Tisza
12) Uso – 31

Laws regulating the cultivation of hemp plants

The cultivation of hemp in Italy is regulated by a series of rather complex rules, which determine, among other things, the hemp species that are legal to grow and the maximum quantity of THC that must be present in the cultivated plants. Here are the rules you need to respect to grow cannabis at home without requesting or receiving authorization.

The law regulating the cultivation and possession of legal cannabis came into force on January 14, 2017.

Legal thc level

THC is the active ingredient of hemp, that is, the substance that generates its psychotropic effects. The law establishes that only plants that have a THC percentage of less than 0.2% within their inflorescences can be legally cultivated. However, there is a tolerability threshold which reaches 0.6% and which, even if it were reached, would not imply any legal consequences for the grower.

If, following checks, the percentage of THC present in hemp exceeds the threshold established by law, the authorities have the right to seize or destroy the cultivation.

Limits of the use of legal hemp

The same text of the law also lists the areas in which the law allows the use of legal hemp. The production sectors identified are food, cosmetics, the artisanal production of manufactured goods and the energy sector. For research purposes, legal hemp can be used in academic and industrial research.

How to grow legal hemp?

Cannabis can only be legally grown from certified seeds which must be purchased in special authorized retailers. Plants whose reproduction occurred agamicly (i.e. without the use of seeds) will not be considered legal, therefore growers will not be able to use seeds produced from previous years' crops to start their crops.

The grower must keep the documentation of the seeds purchased for a period of at least one year and will be required to show it whenever it is subject to checks by the authority.

The inflorescences of legally cultivable cannabis plants are treated in all respects as products of horticultural crops.

Ornamental hemp: is it legal?

Hemp can be grown in the horticultural sector and also sold for ornamental purposes only. In this case it will not be necessary to have any authorization to proceed with the sale and purchase of hemp.

Cultivation and processing of hemp: law 242

The cultivation and transformation of hemp into semi-finished products is regulated by law 242, which allowed the creation of the legal hemp supply chain.

This law aims to promote the cultivation and supply chain of Legal Cannabis Sativa, recognizing its great environmental value: the cultivation of this plant is able, in fact, to counteract the impoverishment of the soil and the environmental impact of agriculture.

The law also focuses on the importance of turning to local producers and workers of Hemp Sativa L., in order to support and strengthen the economic fabric generated by the cultivation of this plant.

Furthermore, according to article 8 of law 242, the State, the Regions and the autonomous Provinces have the right to launch training courses for workers in the sector which, in addition to explaining the main cultivation and processing techniques, also promote knowledge of the least exploited areas of plant use (from construction to industrial packaging).

Growing hemp plants: all aspects

How to plant: planting

Depending on the types of cultivation you are practicing, there are different techniques for planting hemp plants. This species is very resistant, however the initial rooting has an important role for this type of cultivation. A strong root well rooted in the soil from the early stages is essential for the health and well-being of hemp.

As regards industrial cultivation in the open field, there are special machines which, using already germinated plateaus, are able to furrow the ground and, taking the seedling from the socket, insert it directly into the ground. This automated technique is very rapid for large-scale crops, however it generates some risk and loss of young seedlings.

On the contrary, for the cultivation of inflorescences everything is done by hand, as the number of plants is much lower. In any case we must make sure that the furrow is well proportioned to the size of the seedlings and we must also make sure not to damage the young roots, but above all not to press the earth around the shoot. This would greatly slow down initial growth. It is essential to always plant each plant at sunset and water immediately afterwards and in the following days, especially if the temperatures have already risen like in spring.

Clearly, great care must be taken not to damage the root system at this stage.

Although many think it's just fantasy, all experienced growers know that the phases of the moon play a fundamental role in this phase. In fact, it is recommended to always plant in the first days of the waxing phase of the moon. Although this expedient is not scientifically proven, we can assure you that it works.

Irrigation: how much water does hemp require?

Hemp plants are notoriously very resistant to drought, however, being made up of 85% water, however if properly irrigated they certainly guarantee better harvests.

Inexperienced growers often have this worry: Too much water or too little? The answer is: Right Water at the Right Time. There are clear signs such as falling and wilting leaves that denote water stress and little water, but you must try not to find yourself in those situations.

These species (subjects over 2 meters) are able to transpire up to 10 liters of water per day when they are well developed. On the contrary, with young seedlings little but constant use is needed, especially when growing in pots. In this regard, we always suggest feeling and penetrating the soil with your fingers. If you still feel damp in the first 5-10 cm of the root ball, it will not be necessary to water. If, however, you feel dryness with your fingers, it is time to water copiously even if without too much stagnation. In fact, we recommend paying attention to the saucers which must be emptied of stagnant water after 5-10 minutes. Stagnation both in saucers and in clayey soil will lead to asphyxiation of your roots, noticing early yellowing spread across the entire plant.

There are professional or amateur irrigation systems that are necessary especially when growing in the field. They can be very useful for fertigation of the soil at all stages.

How to fertilize: soil and fertilizers

As we can imagine, a rich , but above all balanced, substrate is the basis for the success of any type of crop and with hemp no less. As already mentioned, the first stages of rooting are fundamental for final success, it is therefore necessary to guarantee the plant a balance of substances, without excess salinity and with a pH between 6 and 7. With these initial expedients, you will be able to see the young seedlings grow even more than 1 cm per day. (if this is not the case you should worry) Hemp first of all fears water stagnation and the consequent root asphyxiation, this means that clay soils over 40% are not recommended or banned. Likewise, soils consisting mostly of tuff have a pH that is too acidic, in which hemp would grow poorly and with many problems. These species, however, love peaty soils with good porosity, but also drainage and rich in organic humic substance, not excessively loaded with fertilizer, which should perhaps be added on the fly. But above all, an enormous benefit has been seen if bacteria, symbiotic microorganisms and mycorrhizae are present or added to the substrates. A rich micro bacterial activity of these elements is perhaps the most important thing for the healthy and luxuriant growth of every plant.

As regards the fertilization of this plant, attention must be paid to the structure and development of the subjects, but generally it loves well-balanced diets rich in nitrogen and potassium initially, and then likes phosphorus and potassium in the flowering phase. In this regard, however, a certain sensitivity or experience is always necessary in recognizing the signs of imbalance or excess in the leaves.

Flowering, maturation and harvesting phase of hemp plants

This phase certainly requires a certain amount of expertise and organization, especially if the harvest exceeds 15-20 plants. In fact, it is advisable to initially prepare a room with controlled temperature and humidity, between 15°-22° and 40%-50%. Always if the number of plants is large, we should think about getting defoliant trimmers, to speed up the work by about 10 times compared to manual practices. When there are many hemp plants to be harvested, too much time would be wasted in cleaning them manually, risking ruining the plants left in the field.

It is certainly important to harvest the plants when they are perfectly ripe. But those who grow hemp know very well that it is often necessary to find a compromise between the more mature plants and the less mature ones. In fact, it is very difficult if not impossible for them to be ready in a homogeneous manner (except if you are growing from hemp cuttings)

Many growers (the sickest ones) equip themselves with simple microscopes to be able to clearly see the maturation point of the resin, which must be tending towards an amber colour, even if an expert eye can recognize the maturation of the hemp even without a microscope. One of the most common ways is to let about ¾ of the trichomes turn red-brown or purple. Although many do not use this expedient, referring more to the color of the resin which, as mentioned, turns from translucent white to amber.

Where to buy hemp plants and whether it is possible to sell them

Thanks to law 242/2016, with the advent of the trade in light cannabis inflorescences, there has been a real and speculative gold rush, in which everyone seems to want to grow hemp inflorescences today. In fact, many customers have improvised as growers by setting up farms in a short time, without having the slightest technical basis of knowledge about this plant. 

The choice of the genetics to plant certainly has a fundamental role, first of all to be sure of not exceeding the limits established by law, but above all to have a quality harvest and consequently easy to resell. In this regard, we suggest you visit the Hemp Plants section of Grow Shop Italia , an expert and certified seller who guarantees certified varieties with an EU tag. Farmers who cultivate crops for the purpose of sale must have a dedicated VAT number or be registered with Coldiretti, to avoid incurring heavy sanctions. And in the case of private individuals?

It is possible to grow hemp sativa with low THC content. The answer is yes! Thanks to the newly released law, it is possible to purchase and grow hemp plants for ornamental and horticultural purposes even on terraces and gardens. This means that very soon we could find hemp in common commercial nurseries, as well as among specialized workers, which we certainly recommend.

How to clone hemp plants: reproduction of cuttings

The agamic reproduction or propagation from cuttings of this species is a topic that is much debated especially in this period. This is because our dear legislators wanted to give us yet another unclear or rather very confusing and difficult to interpret law. 

What is certain is that it is possible to purchase legal hemp cuttings (always knowing who), without incurring penalties. However, the final use is the controversial factor, since it is possible to buy them, but not to produce inflorescences intended for sale. So to the question of whether it is possible to buy hemp cuttings, we definitely answer Yes! But only for ornamental and horticultural purposes.

In the case of indoor cultivation, we suggest you ask the seller which photoperiod the plants you purchased have been used to, to prevent stress or shock from an inverted photoperiod.

It is possible to find several varieties of hemp on the market, but we always suggest that you ask the seller for certification of the tag.

Among the most sought after varieties we can certainly mention Kompolti, Carmagnola, Finola, KC Virtus and many others.