With this guide we intend to describe how to recognize and combat the most frequent cannabis diseases .
When we start a new crop, everything seems perfect and the enthusiasm makes us forget the common and not rare marijuana diseases caused by parasites or fungi that our plants can physiologically encounter.
The main rule that applies to all crops is certainly prevention with natural products, together with some technical and agronomic measures such as:
processing in healthy environments
quality and healthiness of the substrate
pruning/cleaning of dry or rotten areas
fertilizations and stimulation of the immune defenses
controlled irrigation
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Plant Pests and Diseases
Plant Pests and Diseases
Cannabis pests how to recognize and prevent them
Plant Pests and Diseases
How to get rid of aphids and how control them
The purpose of this guide is to know which are the most effective insecticides for aphids and to recognize the symptoms of an infestation These tiny insects, also known as plant lice , are among the most common insects found on fruit trees, vegetable crops and ornamental plants.Read more » -
Plant Pests and Diseases
Medicine and natural treatments for plant
Pests and insects are a long-standing problem for anyone involved in gardening, agriculture and horticulture. But did you know that you can also free your plants from infestation with natural remedies ? Anyone would like to have beautiful, healthy and thriving plants. Unfortunately, diseases and harmful insects constantly put their health at risk. How can you protect them then? The most widespread - and wrong - belief is that pesticides and other chemical substances are the only truly effective defense products. On the contrary, there are many natural remedies for plants that are just as good, if not better than chemical substances, which areRead more » -
Plant Pests and Diseases
Cannabis mold: how to identify the botryts
Mold for cannabis or for any other type of plant represents a great threat, both in indoor and outdoor cultivation, since when it becomes evident it is already too late to intervene. Like any plant species, cannabis is often attacked by fungi and mold. Mold itself is a type of multicellular organism that contains various types of fungi with different taxonomy. This sneaky enemy is greatly feared by every grower as it is capable of seriously compromising your harvest . Finding mold and rot on the buds of your grow can be really frustrating. For this reason it is very importantRead more » -
Plant Pests and Diseases
How to get rid of thrips
Are your indoor growing invaded by thrips and you are looking for safe, effective and natural remedies to eliminate them? This guide from Grow Shop Italia is designed to help you prevent the appearance of these small and annoying insects. If you have noticed small winged insects on your plants, be careful as they could be thrips of plants. These are tiny parasites that are quite common in both indoor and outdoor growing. Difficult to eliminate and not always easy to recognize, they can be highly harmful to plants . Almost all herbaceous plants are attacked , but also vegetable plants - such as tomatoesRead more »