useful remedies to prevent and combat Red spider mite in an effective and natural way. Tetranychus urticae also called "mild spider " is among the most common and insidious plagues for cultivation, which requires immediate attention and effective remedies to be eliminated.
In truth, the term red spider is absolutely not appropriate because, just to clarify, it is a mite, and instead of being red it is yellow in the juvenile phase and becomes brown in adulthood.
These plant mites , although small and minute, are capable of compromising any type of indoor and outdoor growing in a short time, but if detected late, they can also destroy them completely. The colony of spiders weaves a very dense web in order to protect the eggs laid on the leaves
In short, this dangerous phytophagous can really infest crops in a short time, so recognizing it and identifying it peremptorily is the best remedy against the red spider mite on cannabis, preventing it from spreading irreparably.
What are red spider mites on plants
Red spider mites (scientific name Tetranychus urticae ) are a phytophagous belonging to the mite family that feed on the sap of the plant, sucking it from the part underneath the leaves.
Not to be confused with the red travertine spider, the small spiders that stain hands and clothes if crushed.
Its danger is given above all by the speed of reproduction, in fact it is capable of procreating up to 8-10 times in a year. Female spiders can lay over 100 eggs, which have a gestation period of around 20 days.
With this reproductive rate it is not uncommon for the plant to be completely covered in a month. Initially it can be very complicated to identify the mild spider, since its activity mainly develops under the leaves where it lays its eggs. The development stages of this mite are essentially 5
- Egg;
- Larva;
- Protonymph;
- Deutonymph;
- Adult specimen.
In this last stage, the female spider measures approximately 0.5 mm, the male specimens even 0.3 mm. But the small size certainly does not indicate less danger. In fact, it is the extraordinary and fast oviparous capacity that constitutes the greatest danger.
The spider mite has pointed mouthparts that it uses to sting and suck all the vital fluids and sugary substances from the plants. Lacking the substances that nourish it, the plant will no longer be able to complete the natural process of chlorophyll photosynthesis and will tend to die in a short time.
Its proliferation grows dramatically in the hot summer period, as the spider mite eggs hatch at a temperature between 20 and 30°
Spider mites: how to recognize and control them
As mentioned, it is not easy to recognize the spider mite with the naked eye, both due to its size and because it operates under the leaf, however the appearance of whitish spots on the upper part is a clear sign of its appearance.
A magnifying glass or a small, cheap microscope are basic tools if you want to spot it in time to fight it. At the later stage of development, you begin to see visible webs around the leaf or flower, although it may already be too late.
Below are some symptoms to recognize the appearance of the spider
- Depigmentations and burns on the leaf pages;
- Spots of necrosis of the plant tissue of the leaf;
- Desiccations;
- Small yellow or translucent spots on the leaves.
Spider mites indoor fast and easy proliferation: how to stop them
Quickly recognizing an infestation of cannabi spider mites is essential to avoid the spread of these parasites.
Carefully observing the plants will be the most effective preventative, as if we immediately notice the attack of these mites we will be able to eliminate them.
By neglecting the phenomenon we will arrive at such an infestation that we will not be able to intervene efficiently.
This last sign, i.e. translucent spots, represents the classic trace that red spiders leave on cannabis leaves when they feed on the cytoplasm.
An experienced grower recognizes the appearance of cannabis spider mites with the naked eye. For the less experienced we recommend the use of a small, economical microscope.
Spider mites have pointed mouthparts that they use to sting and suck all the vital fluids and nutrients from the marijuana plants they attack.
Lacking the substances that nourish it, the cannabis plant attacked by the red spider will no longer be able to complete the natural process of chlorophyll photosynthesis and will tend to die in a short time.
In case of cannabis spider mite infestations in indoor growing, before starting a new cycle, it is strongly recommended to completely sterilize the grow tent or cultivation space.
how to fight the weed red spider mites with natural remedies
To begin this paragraph, a premise is necessary. The red spider is food for many insects therefore the use of chemical insecticides is highly discouraged as it would also kill the predators that feed on it. We will therefore focus on effective natural and home remedies to fight the red spider mite at the root.

Red spider mite Natural remedies Mechanical fight:
Using a vacuum cleaner may seem like an archaic method, but it is really effective in eliminating at least 50% of the adult individuals as well as all the cobwebs full of eggs.
You can gently run the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner at minimum speed, being careful not to damage the flowers.
Another method to intervene mechanically on the red spider is with a wet cloth glove, removing the spider web and eggs with a delicate massage of the leaves.
Red spider mite Natural remedies Foliar prevention: There are an infinite number of natural remedies to combat red spider mites as long as they are used strictly in a preventative manner . Below we will list the most effective in order of importance:
- Neem oil : The active ingredient azadirachtin contained in neem oil is certainly one of the most effective as long as it is used preventively. This active ingredient, in addition to significantly raising the plant's immune defenses, creates an unfavorable environment for the proliferation of eggs
- Potassium soft soap : This product has a formidable action as an ovaricide. The soft soap after being sprayed on the leaves dries quickly in the sun. The natural surface activity of the soap causes temporary dryness which does not damage the leaf tissues, but mechanically destroys the eggs.
- Pyrethrum-based products : Pyrethrum has also proven to be very effective in the fight against spiders, however, as mentioned, it also repels mite predators. Furthermore, pyrethrum has a greater decay rate than neem. In this regard, it is always recommended to start with mechanical means and then possibly use pyrethrum.
- Kanaplant Difesa 2 : acaricide based on thyme extract with the addition of potassium soap, ideal for fighting mites and red spider mites.
- Garlic and chilli decoction: Even if its action is not long-lasting, the garlic and chilli decoction can always be a valid help in the preventive phase.
Red spider mite Natural remedies for biological control:
as mentioned, there are many natural predators that feed on this mite: For example, the species Amblyseius californicus and Phytoseiulus persimilis are very voracious mites that feed on Tetranychus urticae and can quickly exterminate entire colonies.
However, the proliferation of these antagonistic mites is closely linked to the mildness of the climate and the accuracy with which they lay on the plants. An excessively harsh climate or exposure to over 30 degrees of temperature would slow down the proliferation of colonies antagonistic to the spider.
Another important factor for the effectiveness of the biological fight against red spider mites is certainly the freshness and vitality of the products purchased. Always demand fresh products that are shipped as quickly as possible.
Red spider mite: prevention is the best way
The use of chemical insecticides is highly discouraged, as both red spiders and other parasites have demonstrated strong resistance to these types of treatments. Furthermore, an ecosystem is damaged which most of the time manages to rebalance itself.
Prevention, on the other hand, is the best weapon you can adopt against these mites . A well-cleaned and sanitized growing environment is very important, as is the disinfection of cutting tools.