Building a DIY hydroponics system , without purchasing ready-made kits, is certainly an excellent pastime and a way to save money and try by yourself the supreme art of DIY. Sometimes the results can be more than satisfactory, but it is advisable to rely on some essential rules that govern the plants cultivation when using the hydroponic technique.
There are a variety of hydroponic systems that are suitable for growing plants, each has its own characteristics and the choice depends on many factors:
certainly largely by the species you want to cultivate.
whether grown from clone or seed
whether the spaces are large or narrow
finally the manpower that
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- Hydroponics and Aeroponics
DIY hydroponics how to grow soiless easy
- Hydroponics and Aeroponics
Hydroponics a comprensive and professional guide to grow soiless
Hydroponic growing, also called soilless cultivation, is a method of growing plants in which the roots grow and nourish themselves through water, growing on an inert substrate in the absence of common soil. By inert substrate we mean materials devoid of nutrients, the inert substrates most used in hydroponics to propagate the root system and give support to the plants are: expanded clay, rock wool and coconut fibre. Since these substrates are devoid of nutrients, the roots are fed through a nutrient solution, suitably prepared in tubs or containers depending on their size. By means of pumps submergedRead more » - Hydroponics and Aeroponics
Hydroponics plants grow your vegetables garden
Hydroponic plants , which ones can I grow to have excellent results in terms of yield, savings and quality of my harvest. With hydroponic cultivation , different types of vegetables can be grown, but those that best suit them are the so-called seasonal plants including: salads, tomatoes, peppers, aromatic herbs, salads, basil, cucumbers, courgettes, strawberries and many others . But even ornamental plants such as orchids or ficus can be grown hydroponically.Read more » - Hydroponics and Aeroponics
Hydroponic nutrients how to fertilize your plants in the right way
Are you really sure you are using hydroponic fertilizers correctly in your cultivation ? The fertilizers used in soilless plant cultivation are completely different from those you would use when growing in soil. Hydroponics is among the most innovative and effective indoor growing techniques. This system allows you to have greater control over the development cycle of your plants. However, provided you know how to keep the 3 fundamental factors in balance, namely light , humidity and nourishment .Read more »