Growing chili peppers is not a difficult undertaking, but neither is it one to be taken lightly. 

In pots on the balcony or on the ground in the garden, hot peppers are undoubtedly among the vegetables most loved by growers due to their quick rooting . However, it is a plant that also requires constant care .

The pepper plant ( Capsicum ) is a perennial or annual rotational shrub native to Central America. There are hundreds of varieties in the world, with different degrees of spiciness.

How hot pepper is depends above all on the content of capsaicin , a substance naturally present in the fruit of the plant and which determines its typical flavour.

Have you decided to plant a cultivation of chillies

Before you do this, you should figure out which strain you want to grow. The possibilities, as we mentioned earlier, are countless. However, the most appreciated species at a botanical level are:

  1. Capsicum annuum , the most widespread in Italy and to which most of the existing varieties belong, for example jalapeno , serrano , paprika , spicy cayenne , spicy Calabrian etc…;
  2. Capsicum baccatum , most famous are the South American aji peppers ;
  3. Capsicum chinense , a very spicy species which includes habaneros ;
  4. Capsicum frutescens, a species of pepper which also includes the famous tabasco ;
  5. Capsicum pubescens , Mexican pepper species among which we find the rocoto .

In this article you will find a detailed guide on how to grow chili peppers , both in pots and in the garden, starting from sowing to harvesting. 

We will therefore explain to you how to grow chili peppers at home and you will discover all the best tips, tricks and strategies to defend your growing and obtain healthy and strong plants.

A quick guide before starting to grow chili peppers

From a cultivation point of view, hot pepper is not particularly difficult to grow either indoors or outdoors. However, both conditions require some precautions, especially as regards the choice of the sowing period .

In fact, 3 factors affect the success of a cultivation and adequate fruiting of the plant, namely:

  1. Temperature ;
  2. Light ;
  3. Soil type (including fertilization and irrigation).

Light and heat are decisive elements. If a dark environment is necessary in the germination phase, hot peppers prefer bright and sunny cultivation places in the growth and flowering phase , from 12 to 18 hours of light a day.

Obviously, this is an aspect to consider especially for growing your peppers indoors. By growing in an outdoor space in spring and summer you will get exactly the number of hours of light you need.

The ideal temperature is between 20°C and 30°C . In any case, it should never go below 10°C-12°C. At too low temperatures the plants would suffer irreversible damage. 

Furthermore, the temperature is essential to determine the degree of spiciness of the fruit. As the ambient temperature increases, the content of capsaicinoids also increases, which makes the pepper hotter.

The ideal cultivation soil must be soft, fairly moist, highly draining, rich in organic substances and with a slightly acidic pH (between 4.5 and 6.5).

To avoid dangerous stagnation of water, the plant must be watered regularly but without exceeding and only when the surface layer of the soil appears dry. 

It is not essential to use fertilizers, especially if it is grown in the ground. But the initial fertilization is equally important to provide the plant with all the essential nutrients for growth.

You can decide to grow chili peppers in the open field, or opt for cultivation in pots or in a grow tent. Obviously, the cultivation method you choose also significantly affects the timing of sowing, as we will see in the next paragraph.

How and when to plant chilli peppers

As already mentioned, chili peppers are a type of perennial plant . In Italy, due to the climate that alternates hot summers with cold winters, it is treated as an annual . 

For sowing outdoors , depending on the area where you live, the ideal period usually goes from the month of April onwards , when the minimum temperature does not drop below 15°. 

The ideal would be to plant in a heated seedbed and transplant the seedlings into the ground. If you have a small greenhouse available, it is possible to anticipate the sowing period even at the end of February-March.

Here's how you can make a seedbed at home with no sweat:

  • Get a plastic seedbed with about 40-50 cells;
  • Fill each cavity with a little sand and peat-based soil;
  • Insert 2 seeds for each alveolus, planting them gently about 1 cm deep;
  • Place the seedbed on a windowsill, above a radiator, or in any case in a warm place in your home (but not exposed to direct sunlight);
  • Water every 3-4 days, nebulizing the water at room temperature with a spray bottle.

With the right conditions of heat and humidity, and constant watering, the pepper seeds germinate in a few days. When the seedlings have reached 10 cm in height (after about two months) you can transplant them into a field or pot.

The purpose of this planting technique is essentially to give birth to the seedlings between February and March and then plant them in April or May, when there will be the optimal climatic conditions for their growth.

All this applies to those who decide to cultivate in the open field. Those who prefer cultivation in grow tents , on the other hand, as we will also see in the following paragraphs, will be able to protect the chilli pepper from the cold and cultivate it as a perennial.

Chilli peppers germination: phases to pay attention to

The sowing and germination of the chilli are two very delicate steps. In fact, if you are not familiar enough, errors are not so rare. 

That's why novice growers are often advised to follow the CD. Scottex method . It is a germination technique also widely used by those cultivation enthusiasts who live in areas with harsh climates.

So let's see how to proceed:

  1. Arrange the chili seeds between two sheets of moistened kitchen paper;
  2. Place them in a plastic tray or in a closed plastic cup but with a hole that guarantees ventilation;
  3. Moisten the scottex with chamomile (added to water) to speed up the process.
  4. Place the glasses in a sufficiently warm place, with a temperature around 20-25°C;
  5. If the paper towel should dry, moisten it with a dropper

After 7-15 days, depending on the variety of chilli pepper, white rootlets should begin to emerge from the seeds . Wait a few more days for the rootlets to take root on the paper towel. 

When the shoot is strong enough to support itself, the seed envelope will fall causing the first leaves ( cotyledons ) to emerge: at this point it is possible to remove - with extreme delicacy - the paper, using a toothpick. 

In the event that the cotyledons remain stuck in the seed, it is necessary to intervene promptly, trying to break the shell of the seed from the inside outwards and delicately, being careful not to damage the shoots.

Once germination is complete, the time has finally come to transplant the sprouted seed. Read on to find out how to do this step.

How to prepare potting soil for chillies

Before proceeding with the transplant of the sprouted hot pepper seed, it is important to prepare the cultivation soil .

The ideal soil must be:

  • Soft;
  • Fine-grained;
  • Light;
  • With slightly acidic pH.
  • Rich in organic substances.

The soil for growing chilli peppers must not be too compact, but on the contrary, to favor the correct drainage of the water, it should be mixed with inert material, e.g. perlite, pumice, vermiculite or expanded clay if growing in pots.

To grow chillies in pots, soil that has already been slightly fertilized is recommended , such as the light mix from biobizz , to which it is possible to add liquid fertilizer with a low nitrogen content and a high content of phosphorus and potassium.

Chilli cultivation: the transplant phase

The germinated seed is transplanted by burying the roots in a pot or container with quality soil. The seedlings will be placed in a lighted place, but not exposed to direct light.

Once they have reached 10 cm in height, and will therefore be well formed, it is possible to plant them in larger pots or directly in the ground, taking care to gradually expose them to the sun.

We refer to the cultivation in pots to suggest the correct phases of this operation:

  1. Carefully select the pot based on the size and height of the plant (for the first transfer 45 days after sowing, it will be necessary in a 12 cm diameter pot, to then switch after 20 days to a 30-40 cm pot in diameter and 35-40 cm deep);
  2. Arrange expanded clay or perlite on the bottom of the vase , to avoid water stagnation and mold formation;
  3. Add universal soil already fertilized and added with liquid fertilizer;
  4. Moisten the potting soil where the seedling is located to facilitate removal;
  5. Pull the seedling away , turning the jar upside down and taking care to delicately free the roots from the soil in which they grew;
  6. Make a hole large enough in the new pot and insert the seedling with all the roots inside;
  7. Dab to make the plant adhere well to the new pot .

Chilli peppers do not need large spaces to grow well, so it is also possible to grow them in pots on your balcony. 

However, one must pay attention to the continuous repottings by progressively increasing the dimensions until the final planting, in order to facilitate and strengthen the growth. 

Cultivation in the ground obviously requires various precautions, as we will see in the next paragraph.

What are the cultivation steps required by a pepper plant?

Chili is a rather atypical variety of the Solanaceae family , which also includes tomatoes, peppers, aubergines and potatoes. 

Like these vegetables, cultivation in the field also requires adequate preparation of the soil for chili peppers , so that it can find the right environment to take root.

Work in the garden should start at least 10 days before transplanting and consist of:

  • Deep digging without turning the clod;
  • Fertilization of the soil (with manure, pellets or lithotamnion);
  • Hoeing of clods breaking them in the first 5-10 cm;
  • Raking and leveling the surface.

Before transplanting them, it is advisable to leave them outdoors in pots for a couple of days, so as to allow them to acclimate. It will then be sufficient to plant them by digging a hole and placing them in the earthen block.

The distance to be kept between the seedlings is very important, which must be approximately 20-40 cm above the row, and 30-50 cm between one row and another. After planting the pepper plants you must also take care of them , therefore it is necessary:

  1. Use support braces if cultivation is in areas particularly exposed to the wind;
  2. Irrigate the plants always keeping the soil a little moist;
  3. Use fertilizer supplements or boosters to promote growth;
  4. Keep the growing area clean by removing weeds;
  5. Prune and keep the plant tidy during cultivation to make it more productive.

Another precaution is to protect and defend the plant from possible pathologies and attacks by parasites. Find out more by reading the next paragraph.

Pests and diseases of chilli peppers: how to defend your cultivation

Cultivating chillies requires a deep knowledge of the problems that the plant can encounter, mainly due to pathogens such as fungi and parasites.

Among the most frequent parasites and diseases in chilli crops are:

  1. Aphids;
  2. Alternaria;
  3. Fusarium;
  4. Verticillium;
  5. powdery mildew;
  6. White fly;
  7. Downy mildew. 

Without going into too much detail, it is extremely important to be able to recognize when the plant is sick because this allows you to intervene in time.

The color and shape of the leaves, for example, are a good indicator. Yellowed and crumpled leaves, for example, could indicate the presence of whitefly . The presence of a dusty and whitish patina on the leaves, on the other hand, is the characteristic sign of powdery mildew or white mal.

To combat these pathologies, you can opt for treatments based on potassium bicarbonate or sulfur, in the most serious cases. Or choose natural preventive treatments based on nettle or garlic macerates.

The biological defense of the plant is essential to get to the harvest and get the most out of your cultivation.

Collecting the pepper plant and storing the seeds

The ripening time of the peppers is different according to the variety chosen. However, it is very easy to understand when it is time to reap the benefits .

In general, at least 45 days pass from the setting of the flower to the complete ripening of the fruit. When ready to be picked, the peppers will have a uniform skin color, usually a nice bright red.

It is already in this harvesting phase that it is necessary to think about how to store the seed . The first fruits harvested are the most suitable for extracting the chilli seeds to be planted the following season.

How to do?

  1. Open the pepper with a knife;
  2. Extract the seeds;
  3. Leave the seeds to dry, placed on a sheet of paper and in a well-ventilated place;
  4. After the drying phase, store them in a sealed container, in a dark and dry place.

Remember to carry out this operation wearing latex gloves and protective goggles. After harvesting from the plant, you will need to take care of pruning it and eliminating the old branches to give it a chance to regenerate.

It is also very important to protect the plant for the winter . For plants grown on the balcony, simply move them indoors. Those in the vegetable garden or in the garden, on the other hand, can be covered with non-woven antifreeze sheets.

Obviously this operation is not necessary if you have decided to grow your pepper plant in an indoor potted cultivation.

Growing chili peppers in pots: tips for doing it indoors

Indoor cultivation in a grow tent or grow room, where it is possible to control the climatic and light conditions to which the plant is subjected, will allow you to treat it as a perennial.

Planting chilli peppers at home and growing them is advisable especially if you live in an area that is too cold, or if you want to speed up cultivation and obtain fruit before the hot season.

The equipment needed for home cultivation:

  • Plastic trays with lids;
  • Rock wool or professional soil;
  • Grow tent or Grow Room;
  • Indoor lighting with 6500 K cold light lamps;
  • Thermo-hygrometer;
  • Devices that ensure constant ventilation;
  • irrigation system;
  • pH and EC meter;
  • Mini-greenhouse with control unit for controlling the temperature (25°C) and humidity (60-65%) parameters.

Once all the necessary equipment has been prepared, you can start your cultivation of chili peppers in pots.

The phases are almost the same as those already illustrated. We start with germination : the trays must be filled with soil or rock wool and moistened. We will then move on to planting the seeds, making small holes in the substrate.

Once the seeds have been buried, the trays will be covered but making sure that the holes for air circulation are open. In this phase it is advisable to always check the temperature using a digital gauge.

If a mini-greenhouse with an automatic environmental control unit is used, the seeds will not be subject to excessive changes in temperature and humidity. 

Once the seeds have germinated, it will be sufficient to move the trays inside a grow tent or a grow room where it will be possible to guarantee the young seedlings adequate lighting and the correct temperature.

Remember to: 

  1. Choose lamps that are suitable for the various stages of plant development;
  2. Install a timer to time the lighting and ensure the right amount of light (between 12 and 18 depending on the stage of development);
  3. Promote ventilation with a grow box fan;
  4. Use a drip irrigation system;
  5. Monitor pH and EC values ​​with a combination digital meter to make sure your plants are getting the correct doses of nutrients.

The next steps and the precautions to be taken for the indoor cultivation of hot peppers are quite similar to those already illustrated for the outdoor cultivation. 

What makes the difference, of course, is owning professional equipment and tools, and not relying too much on DIY.

Discover the best kits and accessories for growing chilli peppers 

Choose the ready-to-use product that best suits your needs and buy online in complete safety directly on Grow Shop Italia .

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