As the "master" biologist Luigi De Ales said: "You don't have to cultivate the plant, you have to start thinking that you have to cultivate the soil: This is how I began to understand the concept of supersoil."
We've all had, at least once in our lives as children, an experience in some forest, perhaps digging the earth and finding an unknown ecosystem, teeming with life underground. Here, that can easily be defined as the best Supersoil .
Or just think of farmers, who throughout history have always used similar mixtures to give more boost to their crops. Super Soil is a natural active soil improver , which contains all the nutrients, activators
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Fertilizers and Soil
Fertilizers and Soil
Super soil the easiest way to grow organic cannabis
Fertilizers and Soil
Jiffy disks: the best solution for seed germination
Jiffy are pressed peat disks that are used for the germination of seeds, facilitating their sprout. Germinating seeds is the first phase of the life cycle of every plant species, but also the most important. Growing a plant from seed requires commitment, patience and a certain amount of expertise. But what does a seed need to be able to sprout and germinate? The key elements are: Temperature between 18-25°C; Humidity approximately 70-90%; Absence of light.Read more » -
Fertilizers and Soil
Support kit for seed germination
Seed germination supports play a crucial role in the early stages of plant development, providing the optimal environment for seeds to sprout and grow into healthy seedlings. These supports include a range of materials, techniques, and conditions that aid in the successful emergence of a plant from its dormant state. From specialized substrates and containers to controlled temperature and moisture levels, the selection and implementation of germination supports are fundamental factors in agricultural and horticultural practices. In this context, understanding the various types of germination supports and their tailored applications is essential for ensuring robust and thriving plant growth.Read more » -
Fertilizers and Soil
Cannabis nutrients, know them for a perfect crop
Cannabis fertilizers are an essential element for maximizing the yield of growing light marijuana plants. Certainly the good quality substrate or soil can make the difference, but also the nutrients that the plant needs to develop in every phase of its growth. As we will see in this guide to cannabis fertilizers, there are a wide range of both organic and mineral products on the market, specific for each phase that characterizes the life cycle of a marijuana seedling. Understanding what are the differences between all these types of fertilizers and what are the different mechanisms of action, will help you choose the most suitable one for your cannabis cultivation project. Cannabis plant food: what are theirRead more » -
Fertilizers and Soil
Bat guano: organic food for plants
Bat guano is a 100% organic natural fertilizer, rich in very useful nutrients for all plants. This fertilizer is obtained from the droppings of bats, which feed only on insects and fruit, and their guano consists mainly of droppings and urine.Read more »