Building a DIY hydroponics system , without purchasing ready-made kits, is certainly an excellent pastime and a way to save money and try by yourself the supreme art of DIY. Sometimes the results can be more than satisfactory, but it is advisable to rely on some essential rules that govern the plants cultivation when using the hydroponic technique.

There are a variety of hydroponic systems that are suitable for growing plants, each has its own characteristics and the choice depends on many factors:

  • certainly largely by the species you want to cultivate.
  • whether grown from clone or seed
  • whether the spaces are large or narrow
  • finally the manpower that you want to dedicate

It is relatively easy to build hydroponic systems following the basic principles, on this page we will discuss the main hydroponic systems and provide all the tools necessary to understand what to buy to have high quality results with hydroponic cultivation at home .

Hydroponics DIY wich tools do i need?

Hydroponics is the technique for growing plants out of soil, in inert media such as clay, rock wool and various others.

Hydroponics how to get started:

Before proceeding to purchase the materials for building a do-it-yourself hydroponic system, it is important to understand which system you intend to build .

Basically, to simplify, a hydroponic system consists of:

  • A reservoir for the nutrient solution
  • Air or water pump depending on the type of system
  • A support (rock wool) for germination, pots or trays depending on the system
  • Clay or rock wool
  • Jointed capillary tubes and drippers
  • Fertilizers and suitable nutrient solution

It is also important to have measurement instruments available for Ph and Ec, values ​​to be constantly monitored for the success of DIY hydroponic cultivation

In this way, plants grown hydroponically will produce enormous clusters of roots and will dedicate more energy to the growth of the upper part of the plant.

Most popular DIY hydroponic systems for hydroponics

Hydroponics has become a very popular hobby or pastime in recent years.

This technique requires particular attention and a certain degree of maintenance in some cases , but the results can be prodigious.

On the other hand, if the DIY hydroponic system is not well thought out it could cause problems with the growth of the plants.

There are many hydroponic systems , let's see the most commonly used in hydroponic cultivation at home:

  • NFT (nutrient film technique) systems; System where the tank containing the pump and the nutrient solution is contained in the same system. Here the roots receive a constant flow of nutrients.
  • dwc and drip systems; They are the most commonly used, requiring a clay substrate. The plants are located in separate chambers and the nutrients are supplied via a small dripper.
  • Aeroponic systems; This system requires more control, usually used by professional growers. The plants are grown in containers where nozzles spray the solution directly onto the roots.
  • Passive hydroponic pots; these are pots that are used for growing one plant at a time, a maximum of 2. Each pot has an air pump that oxygenates the solution and therefore avoids root rot. Certainly this system is not for plants that need to develop quickly such as horticultural or cannabis.
  • Technical aquaponics that puts an aquarium in symbiosis with the hydroponic system.

The importance of pH and EC in hydroponics culture

This is certainly the most important part of DIY hydroponic cultivation.

The nutrient solutions are essentially water and dissolved fertilizers. This solution has a concentration of fertilizers called salinity or EC (electro conductivity) value.

This nutrient solution also has a level of acidity or basicity called the PH value. These 2 values ​​will strongly influence the success of your DIY hydrocultureThe balance of them is essential for the growth and health of your plants.

Most hydroponic nutrient solutions on the market are already complete with balanced mineral salts for vigorous plant growth. They provide every substance and compound necessary for the plant for proper growth.

The matter of grow lights in DIY hydroponics growing

A correct light source for hydroponic crops at home is vital for the healthy and lush growth of plants. Regardless of the power or type of system (HPS LED or fluorescent), it is necessary to choose lamps that emit radiation suitable for plant growth. Typically these lamps emit a heat temperature between 6400k and 2700k (Kelvin degrees).

Usually in indoor hydroponic cultivation the most used are: HPS, CFL and LED. LEDs have made great progress in professional horticulture, but the most used remain CFL or HPS due to cost/consumption. The choice is also influenced by the characteristics of the environment. If it is more cold and humid HPS are recommended, on the contrary in dry and hot environments CFL or LED are better.

What are the advantages of diy hydroponics

The advantages of this technique are many, giving the possibility of starting hydroponic growing even in environments that are not very hospitable.

A very important aspect of hydroponic cultivation is the quantity of water needed for irrigation: in traditional cultivation the quantity of water needed to feed the plants is significantly higher than that required for hydroponic growing. In hydroponics, you have 100% control of the nutrients (food) the plants need. Plants can be grown with a precise feeding program, which meets particular needs throughout the entire growth cycle.

Hydroponic nutrients are made up of food-grade mineral salts that are mixed with water to prepare nutrient solutions. Unlike organic fertilizers, the mineral form of hydroponic fertilizers makes them readily available to be absorbed and used.

Another advantage of home hydroponic cultivation is certainly the elimination of the transport and disposal of the soil used in indoor cultivation and finally an almost total absence of parasites and pathogens that usually nest in the soil.

Which hydroponic system is best for growing your plants depends on many factors: Which strain do you want to grow? What if you want to grow from seed or cutting? How much work do you want to put in every day? And finally, how much money do you want to spend? In our online shop you can find all types of hydroponic systems in size and price .

Once you've chosen your hydroponic system, learn more about growing hydroponically with the Best Hydroponic Growing Guide .