Let's start by saying that CBD is not a drug, however:

In recent years, the use of products with cannabidiol, or CBD , has grown significantly, a substance that has been very successful thanks to the process of research and scientific studies, which have managed to demonstrate the real effects of CBD on the body.

In particular, CBD is obtained in nature from the Sativa cannabis plant, very rich in cannabinoids and from which both CBD and the main cannabinoids that characterize it such as THC, CBG, CBN, THCV, CBDV etc. etc. are extracted.

Cannabinoids are lipophilic molecules that belong to the terpene-phenol group where the best known ones are CBD and THC (tetrahydrocannabidiol). They are able to interact on the effects, thanks to the receptors present in our body, on the central nervous system in a totally different way.

In fact, it is necessary to point out that while THC comes into contact with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system, altering the psychoactive system, CBD instead attaches to the receptors without generating any type of side effect .

CBD does not have addictive effects and is a myo-regulatory substance that manages to rebalance our vital functions, such as the immune system. Unfortunately for this panacea there is an ongoing attempt to combat regulation by pharmaceutical multinationals, who are still reluctant to research CBD and its effects.

However, the modern acquisitions that come to us from the largest research centers give us hope for the future uses of this precious panacea which would help tens of thousands of patients

What are the cbd benefits?

Although the basic beneficial effects deriving from the intake of CBD are now known, continuous biological research adds numerous recently discovered beneficial properties.

Its effectiveness is demonstrated mainly on sedative and muscle loosening functions, as well as as a painkiller, as it contains natural analgesic benefits that help to counteract anxious or post-traumatic states.

In this paragraph we will discover CBD's effects and benefits which are multiple, but the effectiveness demonstrated with the interaction of other cannabinoids is even more formidable

Entourage Cbd/Thc effect:

Today's most in-depth clinical studies, as well as patient feedback, tell us that the most complete and profound effectiveness is achieved with the famous "Entourage Effect", i.e. with the intake of both cannabinoids (Cbd THC) .

The presence of both molecules releases a deeper benefit and a more complete effect . Furthermore, Cannabidiol is also an antagonist of the psychedelic effects of THC , which means that it inhibits the classic cannabis high, maintaining or rather enhancing the "myorelaxation" of the nervous and muscular system .


  • Helps relieve pain with its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties , useful with autoimmune disorders such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and epilepsy;
  • It can help with schizophrenia and bipolarism due to its antispasmodic action ;
  • It is effective against anxious states and stress , as it fills the deficiency of anandamine, a receptor that performs its function for memory, motivation, movement control and ultimately our mood.
  • It has antioxidant properties , facilitates the correct regeneration of cells, also strengthening them through a detoxifying action;
  • It helps reduce symptoms related to oncological therapies such as nausea, vomiting and pain after radio or chemo therapy
  • Modern studies state that it would be able to slow down the formation of cancerous cells and carry out an adjuvant action in the protection of the main organs;
  • It helps regulate sebum by rebalancing the process and carrying out a soothing action on the skin, visibly improving acne, psoriasis and dermatitis;
  • It has been found that CBD prevents and reduces diabetes by up to 56%, also assisting the circulatory system to protect itself against strokes and heart attacks;
  • It regulates the appetite , offering valid help in rediscovering the sense of appetite even for people with acute loss of appetite problems. Furthermore, with the presence of essential fatty acids such as omega in CBD oil;
  • CBD oil can help you sleep , the active ingredient rebalances the sleep cycle, and the qualitative improvement of sleep in 67% of individuals who used CBD before bed has been scientifically proven;

CBD oil: let's find out about the organic matrix and the extraction method

First of all, let's remember that the use of CBD oil is subject to limitations in Europe and in much of the world due to the presence of THC. The permitted THC limits are 0.3% in Europe and 0.3% and 0.5% in Italy. If any product exceeds these thresholds it is automatically considered illegal .

To purchase a high quality product it is a good idea to check the cultivation method, as well as the type of CBD extraction used by the manufacturing company.

The best properties originate from organically grown hemp plants , i.e. without the addition of pesticides and chemical fertilizers which would negatively influence the characteristics of CBD oil.

Naturally, 'green' methodologies are also recommended in the extraction process, such as the Co2 (carbon dioxide) method. Through a change in state and density of the element, the CBD molecules separate from the plant, reaching a level of total or almost total purity.

Being a totally natural product, the chemical composition of the CBD oil produced could vary, depending on the genetics of the plant and the type of processing and extraction.

In general, hemp plants preserve both molecules (CBD and THC) in different quantities and can be rich or even completely devoid of one of the two cannabinoids. CBD oil is generally extracted from selected plants that contain THC in small percentages < 0.5%, beyond which threshold it is declared illegal.

CBD oil effects and dosages

Very often patients ask themselves: How is CBD oil used and what are the doses to be taken and its effects ? CBD oils can be taken orally or vaporized with a special device capable of releasing terpenes and cannabinoids through its heating.

The most efficient oral method involves the application of drops of oil in the sublingual tract to allow the passage of CBD directly into the bloodstream through the numerous capillaries present in the area.

To identify the ideal quantity of CBD oil to take, you can start with a small quantity of low-concentration oil and increase it little by little until you are satisfied with the desired effects.

The percentage of CBD to be taken daily is completely personal , since each organism responds independently, which means that the doses effective on one person may not respond equally well on another and vice versa.

For a person who has never taken cannabis and derivatives, it is recommended to start with 5% CBD oil. Certainly when buying CBD oil the percentage to choose must be modulated based on the specific pathology , but above all it must be "set" on the patient.

Furthermore, there are much more concentrated products such as the famous Moonroock which can reach 70% CBD