Hemp CBD

  1. Discover the benefits and effects of cbd
    Hemp CBD

    Discover the benefits and effects of cbd

    Let's start by saying that CBD is not a drug, however: In recent years, the use of products with cannabidiol, or CBD , has grown significantly, a substance that has been very successful thanks to the process of research and scientific studies, which have managed to demonstrate the real effects of CBD on the body. In particular, CBD is obtained in nature from the Sativa cannabis plant, very rich in cannabinoids and from which both CBD and the main cannabinoids that characterize it such as THC, CBG, CBN, THCV, CBDV etc. etc. are extracted. Cannabinoids are lipophilic molecules that belong to the terpene-phenol group where the
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  2. Seeds and hemp plants with Eu certificate
    Hemp CBD

    Seeds and hemp plants with Eu certificate

    After the advent of law 242/2016 which regulated in a certain sense the marketing and consequently the cultivation of legal hemp, the interest of agricultural operators in recovering an ancient cultivation tradition involving hemp plants is increasingly widespread. There are rules to follow in order to grow hemp plants in order to be aligned with the legislation in force. In this in-depth analysis we want to describe what these rules are, and what to do to grow hemp plants legally, what are the most popular plant varieties for cultivation today and how to best grow strong and vigorous plants. Hemp plants with legal thc level In Europe, each state has its own regulatory framework regarding the regulation of the production and
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  3. The best legal weed you can find in Italy
    Hemp CBD

    The best legal weed you can find in Italy

    Legal marijuana in Italy: What are the best light weed varieties on the market? Finding your way around the various types and qualities of cannabis light could be quite complicated if you don't have experience in this sector. Aroma, taste and easy availability, for example, are just some of the factors to take into account when choosing which variety to buy.  This is why Grow Shop Italia has drawn up a ranking of the best legal weed varieties of the year 2020-21 for its loyal customers .
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