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HPS AGRO 400W 6 Plants Pro Lamp Kit 6 Plants Pro

1lt ph- As a GIFT
Hydroponic cultivation kit with 400W HPS Agro lamp for 6 Plants for useful growth and flowering. This kit includes everything you need to cultivate indoor in hydroponics.
SKU KCI400P-1-1

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Among the professional assemblies for hydroponic proposed by GSI, the 400W Pro hydroponic cultivation kit is the most complete and qualitative to cultivate on about 1sqm surfaces.

This HPS AGRO 400W 6 Plants Pro & NBSP HPS Cultivation Kit; includes the best components to ensure a professional hydroponic cultivation with all the options of the case. Specifically, an excellent quality drip hydroponic system, air extraction kit with active carbon filter and the electrical meter of electroconductivity (EC)

The Pro Hydroponic Cultivation Kits is equipped with extraction kit with air filtering, essential to eliminate unpleasant odors emitted by your cultivation.
< /p>

Advantages of the Professional Hydroponical Kit

By choosing to purchase a professional hydroponic kit you will have the guarantee of total control of indoor cultivation. In fact, the equipment supplied also includes the anti-pordori kit for the extraction of the air and the very useful tributes to complete and expand the performance of the kit.

In hydroponic cultivation the < Strong> Hydroponic system automatically provides water and nutritions to plants. However, to maintain high performance, the hydroponic cultivation requires precision in the dosage of fertilizers and in the measurement of the variables of acidity (pH) and electroconductivity (EC) of the nutritional solution.

assembly of the 400W Pro hydroponic kit:
  • HPS 400 W light kit (growth and flowering)
    the kit light hps agro 400w basic with lamp pure light hps agro from 400W, Stuco reflector , 400W magnetic power supply , cables and plug for connections.
  • Air extractor: Vents TT125mm </a> </strong> with power 190mc/h </li> <li Class = "P-Productdescription"> <strong> Active coal filter: </strong> <a title = "Max Carbon 125mm-250mch" Href = " Active-125mm-400mch.html "> <strong> Active Carboni filter 125mm-250mc/h </strong> </a> </li> <li Class = "P-Productdescription"> <strong> Hydroponic system: </strong> <a href=" Hydrostar-60.html"> <strong> Platinum Hydrostar 60 </strong> </a> drip hydroponic system with 6 vessels. </li> <li Class = "P-Productdescription"> <strong> EC Memoring: </strong> <a href=""> <strong> EC Tester Milwakee </strong> </a> </li> <li Class = "P-Productdescription"> <strong> fertilizers: </strong> <a title="ripack ghe" href=""> <strong> Tripack ghe </strong> </a> 500 ml </li> <li> <strong> GHE PH TEST & NBSP; Manual </strong> </li> <li> <strong> Booster Flowering: </strong> <a href=""> <strong> ghe rethink 500ml </strong> </a> < /li> <li Class = "P-Productdescription"> <strong> timer: </strong> <a title="TIMER analogue" href=""> <strong > analog timer </strong> </a> at 15 minutes intervals </li> <li Class = "P-Productdescription"> <strong> Doser: </strong> Dostarice pipette for fertilizers up to 3 ml </li> <li> <strong> expanded clay </strong> 30l </li> <li Class = "P-Productdescition"> <span style = "color: #ff0000;"> <strong> homage: </strong> </dpa> bionova ph- 1l </li> <li> <Span Style = "Color: #FF0000;"> <strong> homage: </strong> </Pan> 2MT & Nbsp; Tube & Nbsp; Flexible & Nbsp; 125mm </li> </ul> <p> <strong> N.B.: fertilization in hydroponic cultivation is one of the most decisive factors to obtain a satisfactory result. Measuring and dosing the nutrients carefully will allow you to grow in the water uncomfortable without inconvenience and making your plants express at best. <br> </strong> </p> <p> & Nbsp; </p> <p style = "Text-align: center;"> <strong> <a title = "indoor cultivation kit" href = " "target =" _ self "> <img style =" border: 2px solid black; vertical-align: middle; display: block; margin-left: car; margin-Right: car; border-width: 2px; " title = "indoor cultivation kit" src = " hydroponica.jpg" alt = "Hydroponics fertilization" Width = "150" Height = "85"> < /a> <br> <span style = "font-size: small;"> <a title = "hydroponic fertilization" href = " and-isoeo/fertoloization- Hydroponics-Indoor/"Target =" _ Self "> Consult the article: Hydroponics fertilization </a> </Pan> </strong> </p> <div class="product attribute description"><h3>HPS AGRO 400W 6 Plants Pro Lamp Kit 6 Plants Pro comprende:</h3> <div class="row 2222 product-kit"><div class="col-11 no-padding"><span class="col-4 col-sm-2 rounded float-left mr-2"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=""><img src="" alt="HPS AGRO 400W Basic LIGHT KIT LIGHT KIT" class="" width="180" height="180" loading="lazy" /></picture></span> <p><a href=""><strong>HPS AGRO 400W BASIC LIGHT KIT LIGHT KIT</strong></a></p><p> The HPS 400W Basic HPS LIGHT KIT includes all the fundamental accessories for the growth and flowering of plants. By growing indoor with an agro 400W lamp you will be able to cover surfaces of 1 square meters .. </p> <hr></div></div> <div class="row 2222 product-kit"><div class="col-11 no-padding"><span class="col-4 col-sm-2 rounded float-left mr-2"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=""><img src="" alt="Platinium Hydrostar 60" class="" width="180" height="180" loading="lazy" /></picture></span> <p><a href=""><strong>PLATINIUM HYDROSTAR 60</strong></a></p><p> Platinium Hydrostar 60 Drop hydroponic system with 6 6 -liter vessels. </p> <hr></div></div> <div class="row 2222 product-kit"><div class="col-11 no-padding"><span class="col-4 col-sm-2 rounded float-left mr-2"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=""><img src="" alt="EC Milwaukee CD 611 testers" class="" width="180" height="180" loading="lazy" /></picture></span> <p><a href=""><strong>EC MILWAUKEE CD 611 TESTERS</strong></a></p><p> The EC Milwaukee CD611 tester is a tester for electric conductivity (EC) with a scale from 0.00 to 19.99 ms/cm. Compact and pocket design tool, it has a rapid and precise capacity for analysis. Practical and reliable: it has the right characteristics for an EC meter for hydroponics. </p> <hr></div></div> <div class="row 2222 product-kit"><div class="col-11 no-padding"><span class="col-4 col-sm-2 rounded float-left mr-2"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=""><img src="" alt="Venti TT 125 Bi-Potenza helical extractor" class="" width="180" height="180" loading="lazy" /></picture></span> <p><a href=""><strong>VENTI TT 125 BI-POTENZA HELICAL EXTRACTOR</strong></a></p><p> Vents TT125 Bi power extractor with 125 mm diameter and air flow 220-280mc/h. This double -speed extractor model allows air recyccarcolo with a very low noise. </p> <hr></div></div> <div class="row 2222 product-kit"><div class="col-11 no-padding"><span class="col-4 col-sm-2 rounded float-left mr-2"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=""><img src="" alt="Active carbon filter 125-250m³/h" class="" width="180" height="180" loading="lazy" /></picture></span> <p><a href=""><strong>ACTIVE CARBON FILTER 125-250M³/H</strong></a></p><p> Active carbon filter 125mm flange diameter and air flow of 250m³/h product and assembled of the Siderclima Italian company. </p> <hr></div></div> <div class="row 2222 product-kit"><div class="col-11 no-padding"><span class="col-4 col-sm-2 rounded float-left mr-2"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=""><img src="" alt="Analog Timer at intervals of 15 min" class="" width="180" height="180" loading="lazy" /></picture></span> <p><a href=""><strong>ANALOG TIMER AT INTERVALS OF 15 MIN</strong></a></p><p> analogue Timer 24h at 15 minutes intervals with a connectable socket directly to the wall or mutipresce. Mechanical timing with load capacity up to 3500w </p> <hr></div></div> <div class="row 2222 product-kit"><div class="col-11 no-padding"><span class="col-4 col-sm-2 rounded float-left mr-2"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=""><img src="" alt="Tripart Series Terra Aquatica - Ex Tripack Ghe" class="" width="180" height="180" loading="lazy" /></picture></span> <p><a href=""><strong>TRIPART SERIES TERRA AQUATICA - EX TRIPACK GHE</strong></a></p><p> The Tripart Series of the Aquatic Earth line line is a tric component suitable for all types of crops, invatti guarantees excellent results on the ground, in hydroponics or aeroponic and also in the cultivation with coconut fiber. </p> <hr></div></div> <div class="row 2222 product-kit"><div class="col-11 no-padding"><span class="col-4 col-sm-2 rounded float-left mr-2"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=""><img src="" alt="Final part Terra Aquatica - ex Renpen" class="" width="180" height="180" loading="lazy" /></picture></span> <p><a href=""><strong>FINAL PART TERRA AQUATICA - EX RENPEN</strong></a></p><p> Final part is a stimulator for the final flowering phase. A solution of forcing that allows you to accelerate the finalization of the flowers and at the same time to increase the natural defenses of the plants. It is used by more experienced growers to harmonize and accelerate the conclusion of flowering, reducing the residues of unexpressed fertilizer. & Nbsp; </p> <hr></div></div> <div class="row 2222 product-kit"><div class="col-11 no-padding"><span class="col-4 col-sm-2 rounded float-left mr-2"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=""><img src="" alt="PH Test manuale " class="" width="180" height="180" loading="lazy" /></picture></span> <p><a href=""><strong>PH TEST MANUALE </strong></a></p><p>Il <strong>test manuale della GHE </strong>è uno strumento di misurazione che vi permette di conoscere i valori del ph e lo stato di salute delle vostre piante.</p> <hr></div></div> <div class="row 2222 product-kit"><div class="col-11 no-padding"><span class="col-4 col-sm-2 rounded float-left mr-2"><picture><source type="image/webp" srcset=""><img src="" alt="Expanded clay for hydroponics" class="" width="180" height="180" loading="lazy" /></picture></span> <p><a href=""><strong>EXPANDED CLAY FOR HYDROPONICS</strong></a></p><p> expanded clay for hydroculture plants and to make the draining background to the vessels. It is an ecological, natural product, aimed at promoting the development and growth of the roots. </p> <hr></div></div></div> </div></div></section> <section id="product.attributes" class="border-t border-solid -mt-px" :class="selected === 2 ? 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This kit includes everything you need to cultivate indoor in hydroponics. 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