The Polm Shaker to produce hashish consists of a cylindrical jar of plastic material with a threaded cap on the upper part and a silicone bottom at the base.
In the middle of the hashmaker there is a sieve of nylon 64 microns that separates the inflorescences from the lower department in which the dry extracted pollen accumulates.
by consulting our Guide On how to make hashish , we assure you a high production and a high quality of the pollen.
How to do the hashish with the Polm Shaker
Below we will explain step by step c do hashish in the house with the poule shaker .
Before starting the production of hashish it is highly recommended to store the material to be sifted in the freezer, until it starts to freeze. This procedure will facilitate the detachment of the resin by greatly increasing the pollen to be collected.
How to make the hashish with hashmaker: the we will nizes by storing a small amount in the upper compartment (max 7-10g at a time) of the chopped leaf or inflorescences chopped through a grinder .
Once the material in suspension on the sieve is placed, close the upper cap and perform the seated rhythmic series, slamming and vibrating the base of the has hish maker on A surface.
After the sieve session, you have to collect the resin accumulated on the bottom of the hashmaker, lock it in a plastic film wrapping, and compact it by pressing it in an press for pollen.
If you do not have a press, to thicken & nbsp; the pollen made, it will be sufficient to work it by hand pressing it between the palm of the hand and the fingers using the body color.
It is under understood that to make the best hashish , it will be necessary to use only flowers. But we assure that, even using only the cleaning waste material, you will be able to produce an excellent hashish.
benefits of hasmaker to produce hashish
hashmaker has a diameter of 10cm and a 64 micron sieve, this tool is ideal for producing hashish in small quantities starting from the dry inflorescences of cannabis or from the waste of cleaning the plants.
Let's see what are the advantages in purchasing this tool:
how to make hashish from the leaves and & nbsp; waste : ideal for recycling the resinous waste of the "trimming" cleaning of one's home cultivation.
How to produce excellent quality hashish : using only cannabis flowers without leaves and twigs.
The hashish production through the use of sifting , is the oldest and most used pollen extraction technique. However, today there are many methods to produce hashish:
Make hashish with & nbsp; Gas Dexso type or butano.
Make hashish with & nbsp; ice iceolar.
Hashish with Co2 criticism.
- Rosin Hash hot extraction
In recent years many have been using these new techniques to make the hashish , which produce a much more concentrated and powerful extraction.
Notwithstanding this many lovers of extractions still continue to produce dry hashish with the use of sifting as our hashmaker. This hashmaker is very suitable for small hashish productions, and is aimed at those who own small crops.
If you have high quantities of material for hashish extraction , it will be necessary to purchase an electric machinery such as the Polinator Secret Box that manages to make the hashish in large quantities and in a much faster and autonomous way.
Let's see what are the advantages in purchasing this tool:
how to make hashish from the leaves and & nbsp; waste : ideal for recycling the resinous waste of the "trimming" cleaning of one's home cultivation.
How to produce excellent quality hashish : using only cannabis flowers without leaves and twigs.
The hashish production through the use of sifting , is the oldest and most used pollen extraction technique. However, today there are many methods to produce hashish:
Make hashish with & nbsp; Gas Dexso type or butano.
Make hashish with & nbsp; ice iceolar.
Hashish with Co2 criticism.
- Rosin Hash hot extraction
In recent years many have been using these new techniques to make the hashish , which produce a much more concentrated and powerful extraction.
Notwithstanding this many lovers of extractions still continue to produce dry hashish with the use of sifting as our hashmaker. This hashmaker is very suitable for small hashish productions, and is aimed at those who own small crops.
If you have high quantities of material for hashish extraction , it will be necessary to purchase an electric machinery such as the Polinator Secret Box that manages to make the hashish in large quantities and in a much faster and autonomous way.