Anti-odor filters

Activeted carbon filters


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filtro carboni attivi 100
Active carbon filter with 100mm flange and an air flow rate of 250m³/h of the Siderclima company made in Italy.
Final Price €33.00
filtro carboni attivi 125

Active carbon filter 125mm flange diameter and air flow of 250m³/h product and assembled of the Siderclima Italian company.

Final Price €36.00
 Filtro carbone attivo 125-300m³/h
The 125-300m3/h activated carbon filter is the ideal solution to counteract the smells that spread in the environment. Its capacity of 125-300m3/h makes it suitable for small spaces up to 80x80.
Final Price €39.80
filtro carboni attivi 125 / 400
With its 400 m³/h this active carbon filter offers an adequate air flow by guaranteeing maximum performance. Use it to eliminate unpleasant odors and decrease the noise of ventilation devices.
Final Price €52.95
Filtro carbone attivo 150-600m³/h -2
Active carbon filter with 150mm in size and air flow of 600m & SUP3;/h, products and awarded by the Siderclima company made in Italy.
Final Price €73.00
Filtro carboni attivi 100mm pure factory

Active charcoal filter of the Pure Factory 100mm in flange diameter and an air flow of up to 160 m³/h, useful for eliminating unpleasant odors of your cultivation.

Final Price €36.90
Filtro carboni attivi pure factory 125mm

Active charcoal filter of the Pure Factory with 125mm flange and air flow rate of 400m3h, useful for eliminating bad smells from the grow boxes.

Final Price €56.50
Filtro carboni attivi pure factory

Active coal filter of the Pure Factory installed on extractors with capacity up to 480 cubic meters per hour.

& Nbsp;

Final Price €69.90
Active carbon filter Pure Factory 200mm-1030m³/h

Active carbon filter Pure Factory 200mm 1030m3h with metal body, an element that cannot be missing in an indoor cultivation to ensure the elimination of smells.

Final Price €144.00
Filtro carboni attivi pure factory 250mm

Active Carboni filter of the Pure Factory Flan diameter 250mm installed on extractors with capacity of up to 1400 cubic meters per hour.

Final Price €189.90
Filtro carboni attivi pure factory 315mm

Active carbon filter Pure Factory 315mm 1400m3h with metal body, an element that cannot be missing in an indoor cultivation to ensure the elimination of smells.

Final Price €245.50
Pure Filter Filtro Carboni Attivi 100mm\300m³/h

Pure Filter Active Carboni Filter 100mm 300m³/h is ideal for small grow boxes, cultivation lugi and small rooms. This anti -Handori filter can be mounted on all extractors on the market.

Final Price €46.00
Pure Filter Filtro Carboni Attivi 125mm\500m³/h

Pure Filter Active Carboni Filter 125mm 500m³/h is ideal for medium -sized grow boxes, cultivation brights, small bathrooms and rooms. Ideal for spaces of 80x80 to 100x100.

Final Price €67.40
Pure Filter Filtro Carboni Attivi 150mm\680m³/h

Pure Filter Filter Carboni Active 150mm 680m³/h & nbsp; it is ideal for medium -sized grow boxes, cultivation lughi, bathrooms and rooms. This anti -smelling filter can be installed on all extractors on the market.

Final Price €88.70
can filter 315mm
The 250 mm Can Filters activated coal filter offers you maximum efficiency in filtering and eliminating 100% unloading smells in your grow room. Thanks to a powerful flow of 2500 m3h and a low noise ventilation, it is the optimal solution for an indoor indoor cultivation of unwanted smells.
Final Price €279.00

Nuova versione migliorata HY Filter carbon; filtra il 100% degli odori!

Final Price €149.00
Pure Filter Filtro Carboni Attivi 200mm\1125m³/h

Pure Filter Active Carboni Filter 200mm 1125m³/h is ideal for large grow boxes, cultivation lughi, bathrooms and rooms. This anti -Handori filter can be installed on all extractors on the market.

Final Price €158.80
can filter 315mm
The Active Carboni filter 315 mm Can Filters offers you maximum efficiency in filtering and eliminating 100% unloading smells in your grow room. Thanks to a powerful flow of 3000 m3h and a low noise ventilation, it is the optimal solution for indoes -proof indoor -proof cultivation.
Final Price €305.00

The Carbon Filter Max Carbon line is the best anti -Handori filter, designed specifically for indoor crops.

Final Price €99.00
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The new line of Max Carbon active coal filters, compared to traditional filters, increases the ability to absorb smells and reduces pressure losses.

Special Price €71.90 Regular Price €79.00
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The Carbon Filter Max Carbon line is the best anti -Handori filter specially designed for indoor crops.

Final Price €49.00
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The new line of carbon Filter Max Carbon active charcoal filters has been specially designed for indoor crops.

Final Price €34.00
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The Carbon Filter Max Carbon line is the best carbon filter active on the market, designed specifically for indoor crops.

Final Price €138.50
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The Carbon Filter Max Carbon line is the best anti -Handori filter specially designed for indoor crops.

Final Price €39.50
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In this category you can choose your activated carbon filters able to totally clean the air of environments and grow rooms from all odors!!! Connectable to the air extractors (aspirators) of the grow tents, the carbon filter is now a fundamental tool in indoor growing to eliminate unpleasant odors.

The activated carbon filter consists of a metal cylinder with an internal chamber filled with activated carbon granules. As the air passes through, the carbon filter eliminates odors developed by flowering plants.

The activated carbon filter is connected to the outlet flange of the extractor fan via a piece of flexible duct. The activated carbon air filters must be replaced every 3-4 cultivation cycles, because the carbons exhaust their odor neutralizing properties.

Characteristics and use of the activated carbon filters

activated carbon filters must always be installed inside our grow tent/room before the air extractor.

It can be connected directly to the extractor via the appropriate flanges or if we have a particular system setup that does not allow us to connect the filter directly to the extractor, we can connect it by means of a flexible aluminum pipe segment and fill the gap.

The installation of activated carbon filters does not compromise the normal functioning of the extractors, there is only a slight decrease in the flow rate which is calculated by the manufacturers.

How does a carbon filters for extractor fans works?

A carbon filters for extractor fans is an additional component of the air extractors , useful for cleaning the air in the indoor environments of the grow room and grow box from all odors. The structure of these filters is structured around a few key elements:

  • A metal cylinder, the load-bearing part of the structure;
  • An internal chamber filled with activated carbon granules;

The activated carbon filter connects to the air extractors (aspirators) of the grow boxes. And once connected to the outlet flange, via the aluminum hose, it's ready to go.

When the extractor pushes the air inside the grow box, these granules of activated carbon absorb the odors developed by flowering plants. In this way, they prevent them from reaching and spreading in the external environment.

In fact, the activated carbons contained in the filters capture the terpene molecules leaving the ventilation pipe. However, the effectiveness of activated carbon filters has a limited duration which decreases over time: it is therefore recommended to replace the filter every 3-4 cultivation cycles to maintain an optimal level of odor absorption.

Why use a carbon filters for grow tents?

There are many reasons, at home, for wanting to use one of these carbon filters for grow tents:

  • Prevent odors from annoying neighbors or other inhabitants of your home;
  • Optimize the spaces dedicated to the grow tent, which can thus be installed even in poorly ventilated places;
  • Avoid that penetrating odors can saturate and remain for a long time in a confined space.

Furthermore, that some models of activated carbon filters for air can help to reduce, if not silence, the noise of the air extractor, if this is a problem.

Buy the best carbon filters

There are many types of activated carbon filters on the market. When choosing the most suitable model for your setup, it is very important to consider 2 factors:

  • Diameter of the filter (which must be proportional to that of the tube to which it is to be attached);
  • Filter capacity (each filter is designed to work with extractor fans of a specific power). 

The carbon filter is now a fundamental tool in indoor cultivation to eliminate any unwanted smell. If you want to build your own homemade grow tent, you absolutely cannot give up such a convenience.

In this category you will find a wide range of activated carbon filter models for grow tents, different in diameter and size.

Complete your grow box with the right carbon filters for hydroponics .

How to use a small carbon filter

Small carbon filter must always be installed inside your grow tent or grow room before the air extractor.

You can connect it:

  • Directly to the extractor through the appropriate flanges;
  • By means of a segment of flexible aluminum pipe if you have a particular system setup that does not allow you to connect it directly to the extractor.

The installation of an activated carbon filter does not compromise the normal functioning of the extractor, it is possible to find only a small decrease in the flow rate and in the performance of the extractor, which however is already calculated by the manufacturers.

Furthermore, the reduction in flow caused by the filter is taken into account in the formula for choosing the air extractor supplied by us