Organic powder fertilizers
Category dedicated to organic powder fertilizer for soils and substrates, where you can find the best solutions to grow your plants totally organically.
Organic amendments often in the form of powder or pellets can be of various types.
Some of them composed exclusively of npk composted fertilizers, Others composed only of the humified organic matrix, such as earthworm humus, pomace or for example dried manure.
Both must be mixed in the soil with percentages that vary according to the type of growing.
It is important to maintain the right balance between fertilizer and soil conditioner for the success of any crop. In fact, using fertilizers and soil conditioners in a balanced way, it is not necessary to add liquid fertilizers during cultivation. Consult our assistance to clarify your doubts.
Organic powder nutrients for soil
Organic powder nutrients are often rich in humic acids, fulvic acids , bacteria and microorganisms, but poorly composed of NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). It is therefore essential before buying to make sure that all the elements are present in the cultivation substrate.
Humic and fulvic acids help activate the soil, but the source of npk fertilizer is the actual food of the plant. Both have an inseparable symbiosis on the luxuriant growth action of the plant. For this reason, fertilization and soil amendments must be in balance.
Well composted soil improvers source of bacteria and symbiotic microorganisms
For a correct absorption of the plants it is necessary to have soil conditioners composted at the right point! This means that they must have completed their maturation period .
The amendments proposed by grow shop italia have been tested by ourselves on various types of crops and are perfectly composted to ensure a rich source of microorganisms and symbiotic bacteria.
Here are some examples of organic soil conditioners and composted NPK fertilizers.
- Supersoil : Complete and balanced soil improver of NPK humus, fungi and bacteria;
- Guano Kalong : NPK fertilizer in powder or pellet rich in phosphorus and potassium;
- N eem Pellet : composted NPK rich in nitrogen, micro elements and defense stimulators;
- S ymbiosoil : Composted soil improver rich in humus NPK symbiotic bacteria almost absent.
Buy your organic amendment from grow shop italia, but first consult with our assistance.