Screwdriver with stealth container

Black Leaf
The stealth screwdriver is a smart container for hiding small objects and transporting them safely. If placed in the right place it is an infallible stash container.

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The stealth screwdriver is a commonly used object (perfectly functional) designed to intelligently hide money, precious items or other items.

Simply place it in any toolbox or car maintenance kit and no one will suspect your hiding place. We assure you of excellent workmanship with high camouflage properties.

It often happens that we have to hide or hide valuable objects or money, to defend ourselves from thefts or misadventures of various kinds. Sometimes it is more useful to deceive thieves by hiding valuables in commonly used objects rather than equipping oneself with advanced security devices, which are expensive and well known to bad actors.

By using a stash container with the appearance of a commonly used object you can most of the time deceive the gaze and best protect what you don't want to lose. The stealth screwdriver has a hidden compartment in the handle which allows you to hide objects or money safely and without compromising the use of the tool.

Features of the stealth screwdriver

  • Material: plastic handle and iron screwdriver
  • length: 17cm
  • concealment compartment size: cylinder height 65mm, diameter 15mm
  • Aesthetics: Phillips working screwdriver, similar to the model supplied with the automotive tool kit

Buy the best stash container like this screwdriver with hiding container on our online head shop. You will always find it available and at the best price!

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