EC Check

EC meter


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-23% Tester EC Milwaukee -1

The EC Milwaukee CD611 tester is a tester for electric conductivity (EC) with a scale from 0.00 to 19.99 ms/cm. Compact and pocket design tool, it has a rapid and precise capacity for analysis. Practical and reliable: it has the right characteristics for an EC meter for hydroponics.

Special Price €24.50 Regular Price €31.50
-10% Tester EC Milwaukee Waterproof

The Milwaukee C65 Tester EC Waterproof is a conductivity meter, with a watertight holding body that makes it perfectly waterproof. Economic product with manual calibration in 1 point, it is ideal for accurately measured the conductivity in the water.

Special Price €55.90 Regular Price €62.00
Milwaukee MI5166 Pocket Meters KIT PH51+C66
Milwaukee Mi5166 Pocket Kit Ph51+C66 allows you to test both the electric conductivity and the acidity of the water through two waterproof tools such as: the pH 51 meter and the conductimeter C66.
Final Price €71.40
Misuratore EC MW302 PRO Milwaukee
The MV301 EC meter with Milwaukee monitor is a professional portable conductimeter for the measures of electric conductivity in agriculture and for the control of the quality of the water.
Final Price €110.20
Misuratore pH-EC MC 310 PRO Milwaukee

The EC MC 310 meter with Milwaukee monitor is a tool for measuring and controlling the electrical conductivity values ​​in aquariums, hydropontic crops and analysis workshops for water treatment.

Final Price €132.00
Kit misuratore EC-PH MW 710 Milwaukee


Final Price €219.00
HM digital misuratore EC

The EC-3 is an efficient EC meter of the HM Digital. Very easy to use, this digital tester measures precisely the electrical conductivity (EC), in a simplified way the amount of mineral salts dissolved in the water.

Final Price €45.50
Hm digital COM100 misuratore EC stagno

HM Digital Com 100 Pond conductiveness Ideal for measuring water quality in the field of purification, hydroponics, aquaculture and osmosis systems.

Final Price €95.00
Soluzione di calibrazione EC 1413 mS-cm

EC calibration solution with conductivity of 1413 µs/cm for the calibration of digital measures of EC and TDS.

Final Price €1.50
Soluzione di calibrazione EC 1288 ms-cm

solutions for the calibration of digital measures of ec.

Final Price €1.50
Soluzione di calibrazione EC 1413 ms-cm - 250ml

Calibration solution to a conductivity of 1413 µs/cm, suitable for the calibration of digital measures of EC and TDS.

& Nbsp;

Final Price €6.90
Soluzione di calibrazione per ec tester 1000 ppm

Calibration solution for the measurement of the ec.

Final Price €6.90
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Conductivity meter for water and earth, also called EC meters are fundamental tools for measuring the electrical conductivity of water and soil. Devices useful for measuring and controlling the quantity of salts and nutrients dissolved in the nutrient solution.

Knowing and therefore being able to modulate the density of salts or nutrients present in the water is essential both for aquarium lovers and for plant growing.

The use of ec meters is also essential for technical use, in analysis laboratories, where knowing the electroconductivity of water is an essential factor, for analyzes of all kinds.

In this section you can buy portable and pocket EC conductivity meters of the best brands, both cheap and professional for all uses.

You will also find the calibration and maintenance solutions for the EC testers , essential for the calibration, maintenance and therefore the life of these instruments.

EC meter for hydroponic growing

As mentioned, the electroconductivity of water indicates the density of salts dissolved in the water, therefore specifically for the cultivation of plants, the quantity of fertilizers that we are administering to our plants.

In this regard, in hydroponic cultivation, the ec meter is a basic tool for the healthy and luxuriant growth of your plants.

A nutrient solution with too high an ec value could seriously compromise the health of your plants, likewise a too low electrical conductivity would slow down their growth.

We can therefore say that having an EC conductivity meter is an essential aspect for growing plants in hydroponics.

EC and PH meter for aquariums and laboratories

the conductivity meter for water is an instrument frequently used in analysis laboratories , but also in the passion for aquariums .

Knowing and modulating electrical conductivity is a basic practice for the health of your freshwater fish.

A too high electrical conductivity could be lethal for the health of the fish, if the Ec value is not constantly monitored .

Even in analysis laboratories, precisely identifying the Ec value is essential for the chemical-physical analyzes of water, earth and other elements.

In this section you will find pocket EC testers for hydroponic, both cheap and waterproof, but also all the maintenance and calibration solutions that ensure a longer life to these instruments.